Sunday, February 7, 2010

Little Stress Busters

In my quest to find "balance", I often find myself stressing out over the silliest things.

Is it really worth it to get overly upset over spilled milk, something one of your children did to anger you or that ever-popular favorite - heavy traffic? The answer is "no", but sometimes some strategies to help put this into perspective are helpful.

Pause - Sometimes just stopping and taking a "mini-break" pause is a great way to quickly get things put back into perspective and alleviate stress.

Deep Breaths - I'm a big believer in the "deep breaths, deep breaths" mantra. Chances are that pause for a deep breath will keep you from reacting to a situation in a way you may regret later.

Laugh - Sometimes situations are just funny. Take that mandatory pause and it may just enable you to see some humor in the situation. Laughter is one of nature's great stress relievers.

For longer term stress relief - great workouts really help. Yoga, a nice run outdoors or a swim are great ways for me to "take the edge away"!

Submitted by Joe Hrdlicka

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